Introducing KIPAF

PERFORMERS iNDEPENDENT (Pi) was an independent artists' collective, experimenting and exploring the traditional, modernist and contemporary spaces in the cultural paradigm. The Kolkata International Performance Art Festival was initiated by Pi in 2012 to annually open up the city of Kolkata to diverse traditions of performance, performitivty and interventions. Since then Pi has got fragmented but KIPAF has taken deeper roots.

The festival aims to be a platform for dialogue between site, art, politics and culture. KIPAF acknowledges the nascent nature of Performance Art in India, and will always play a role in the pedagogy of performance art.
The festival is be held between 23rd-26th January every year.

Friday, 25 September 2015

Manmeet Devgun's Performance Statement- Pleasure II- #kipaf15 Day 4

Pleasure II

Pleasure  by definition describes the broad class of mental states that humans and other animals experience as positive, enjoyable, or worth seeking;it includes more specific mental states such as happinessentertainmentenjoymentecstasy, and euphoria.
Sexual pleasure entails all of the above and also orgasm. It is a liberating experience and is achievable in various ways and means. It could be attained with a human lover or not and by the pet dog. For those who have not experienced it with a dog, Pleasure II is a text reading sharing some notes for women on achieveing this. A descriptive tutorial explaining various positions possible. Read out in part Bengali part English(for a mixed audience), it creates an abstarction of sorts and a certain level of curiosity. The intention to read it out in the street was to share it with general public as well,other than the art audience.

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